Why Parent-Child Play is Important

Why Parent-Child Play is Important

All children benefit from playing, be it with others or independently. However, the act of parent-child play is of special importance. Read on to learn why!


Helps with specific knowledge and skills

Although peer/solo play can help with general growth, parent-child play can have crucial benefits for a child. This is because of the knowledge that parents hold, which is often not intuitive to kids. Through just the modelling of behaviour by an adult, a child can learn and prepare for more of the complexities of life. This includes social skills, self-control and the role of parent, professional, and even civic responsibility. Moreover, parents can actively answer any queries a child may have and teach them specific skills. Parents overall can provide more mature and varied forms of play. They can also provide affirmation during learning opportunities through play, which is hard to come by before starting school. This instils a sense of self-confidence that motivates them to keep learning! It's worth noting that the most positive reinforcement for children comes from the approval and praise of a parent.


Strengthens your bond

Play is one of the best ways to build your relationship with your child. This is because it allows you to truly connect with each other. This connection shows you care and can also give you better insight into how your child is feeling and thinking. Overall this means you can better guide and relate to your child. Playing together also releases the chemical oxytocin, which plays a role in parent-child bonding.








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